Silent mcm shoulder bag Heroes

It is doubtful that anyone has forgotten the terrorist attacks against America on the fateful day of 9/11. This one day of history will be imprinted in our minds forever. As a country, we banded together and showed the terrorists that we are, in fact, the United States of America. Many innocent people died as a result of the attacks and many heroes did all they could to rescue those who could be saved. Children from around mcm purse the nation wrote letters and created cards for the rescue workers. In that moment we were not Democrats, nor Republicans; we were Americans.

At Ground Zero, firefighters and police officers were dressed in uniform. It was evident that they were heroes. However, other heroes were not as recognizable. One man that most may not have detected as a hero wore a tie and a dress shirt with a McDonald’s logo on it.

During September 2001, Brian cheap mcm backpack McCoskey was a manager of a McDonald’s store in Naples, Florida. He had watched the terrorist attacks unfolding with the rest of the world. The married father of five children felt an urgency to go to New York and lend a hand in any way possible.

Brian made the long journey from Naples, Florida to New York City. Upon arrival, he checked in at the McDonald’s make-shift stand that was set up on the sidewalk just feet from where the World Trade Center once stood. From that moment forward, Brian made sure the firefighters and police officers were fed. He made rounds taking cheap mcm bags food to the recovery workers and also had bags ready for them as they headed home from their shift. Each bag contained a burger, chicken nuggets, and one of the cards or letters that children had sent to show their love. The food was free, and the workers were unpaid. The love was priceless.

While Brian does not see his act of humanity as heroic, I disagree. Not many people would leave their family for an indefinite period of time to put themselves into a horrific situation. His selflessness was a blessing to many, and he may never know how his act of kindness affected those recovering people from the disaster.

Everyone has the potential to be a hero. We have opportunities every day, if we will just open our eyes to them. It is my hope that we will never experience another day like 9/11 in our country. Instead, I dream of a world where we, as Americans, show our greatness every day. Let’s join together to purposefully show our spirit to our communities and our nation. Small gestures can mean more than you could ever know. Just a small blessing can change the course of someone’s day. The next time you are in the McDonald’s drive-through lane, consider paying for the customer’s meal in the car behind you. Simply tell the cashier to inform the next customer that “Brian covered your meal today, pay it forward”. By doing this, you will carry on the goodness of the heroes such as Brian who still walk silently among us. Then, you become a hero yourself. For other ideas, visit .

Dr. Debra McCoskey-Reisert is an Assistant Professor at Ashford University.


Great Amenities in mcm wallets Pet Friendly Hotels

Many travelers don’t want to leave home without their beloved pets, so they will make sure they stay in pet friendly hotels. More and more, companies are realizing the increased popularity of allowing dogs and cats, and are even offering special amenities to attract new guests. Here are some of the more common ones that you may find on mcm accessories your next trip with your four-legged family member.

There are several pet friendly hotels that will provide a special welcome gift for not only you, but your companion as well. This makes a great first impression, showing how committed they are to the comfort of all their guests, whether they are human or otherwise. These gifts can include packaged treats presented in a bag with a personalized tag and a bow, portable water bowls, and chew cheap mcm toys. Guests appreciate these types of gestures and will be much more likely to stay there again on a future trip.

When you are choosing pet friendly hotels, you may find one that offers a bed for your dog or cat. Traveling is not only tough on humans, but on animals as well. Everybody is going to be tuckered out once they get off the road. Even animals that are used to traveling are always affected by the change in routine, as well as the new sights and mcm outlet store sounds. It can also be a hassle packing a bed, especially when room is already tight in your vehicle. Try to find accommodations that include not only a comfortable bed for you, but one for your beloved companion as well.

All pet friendly hotels should have some sort of designated area for your dog to walk and go to the bathroom. They should also have bags and ample garbage receptacles so that you can pick up after them. This area needs to be clearly marked and located away from any busy streets or highway off-ramps nearby. Some places will also have fenced-off areas where your dog can get some exercise without you having to worry about them running away.

You will even find some establishments that offer special concierge services for cats and dogs. These establishments want to make sure that humans and non-humans alike have a five-star experience. In the same vein, many pet friendly hotels also offer several on-site services. While you won’t be able to keep yours in the room unattended, you may be able to find someone who will dog- or cat-sit while you’re gone. They can walk dogs, make sure food and water bowls are filled, change litter boxes, and much more.

Searching for pet friendly hotels? Oregon coast visitors can stay with their furry friends at McMenamins. For more information.


Survival Kits mcm bags Explained

Surviving a number of life challenges is ingrained in humans from the time of birth. For the majority, survival is paramount. Many of which, would consider doing almost anything in order to survive or escape an emergency situation. Whether camping, hiking, or facing a world crisis, the need to find food, shelter and warmth are all, vital elements in the art of survival techniques. Many accomplished explorers and mcm handbags hikers are aware of how to survive. For the less experienced it can be a daunting prospect. Preparing for emergency situations and knowing what tools are needed in order to survive can be confusing for many. This article looks at survival kits and which items to include.

Whether preparing a camping or hiking trip, or facing a crisis, survival is important to all involved. Food, shelter and warmth are daily requirements in any given situation. It is has often been recommended that keeping a stock of food, toiletries, alternative lighting, and mcm belts cooking supplies along with extra blankets in the home can aid survival should a major crisis occur. The majority of people who require a kit in order to survive are mainly those who hike, explore and camp on a regular basis. These are the people who’re familiar with essential survival tools.

There are a number of items, which are optional to include within a survival kit. But for all survival kits, first aid essentials in the mcm backpacks form of a basic first aid kit, along with water or water purification tablets are the most important and most needed items.

Other items often included within a survival kit can vary in style, but all serve the purpose for which they are intended. One of the most common tools included is a knife of some sort. A pocketknife in particular is a common occurrence. This is because they can easily be folded away and stored in pockets, making them easy to carry as well. Small tool kits can also be included in a survival kit as they can be used in hunting for food and building a shelter.

Compass, map of area, flashlights or headlamps, cash, blanket, suitable clothes for time of year and communication devices are all valuable and essential when putting together a kit for survival. Cell phones can also be used as a communication device, but are not practical if there is no cell phone signal available. Spare batteries for flashlights, or headlamps will be required in order to maintain light.

Other items often found in survival kits include a basic fire starting kit or small camping stove. These are not essential, but can save time and energy. Food as mentioned before is vital, many kits contain either canned or freeze dried foods. Water containers or bottles, make it easier to store and carry water. Some kits also contain heavy-duty garbage bags. These have a variety of uses and can be essential items when trying to survive. Pee bags are another optional tool to include in a kit.

Are you looking for more information regarding Survival Kits ? Visit today!


Advantages of the Right mcm replica Portable Umbrella

A portable umbrella is something that is useful at the beach, at a picnic or at the park. Skin cancer is sometimes caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. It is always important that you protect your skin and your family’s too but this doesn’t mean you can sit out doors. A portable shade umbrella plays the part of creating shade wherever cheap mcm backpack you go. Sometimes sunscreen is not enough. A portable umbrella with UV protection is safer and can be around you always. They deflect the direct rays of sunlight and allow you to enjoy your time at the beach without breaking a sweat. Celebrities and super stars often rely on the umbrella at their vacation spots and beach rendezvous. A good portable umbrella is stable, durable and weather resistant, easy to use and function with as well as made from quality fabric.

Promotional umbrellas for your business

You will always need gifts, promotional items and give away at events, fund raisers and fairs. Opt for a quality umbrella as a freebie. A sturdy umbrella is always appreciated and valued. A mcm belt cheap promotional umbrella is easy to carry and useful to anyone. A sun blocking umbrella is perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon at the beach house or at the parks. Many of your clients who own beach homes would probably appreciate them more than anyone. They are great for kids to play under as well.

Specifications of your umbrella

When you are ordering your umbrella, ensure it is at-least sixty inches in diameter so that it can be used to give you the maximum shade coverage possible. Get one which has a bag so mcm sale that it makes it easy to carry around. A promotional umbrella is the perfect gift for clients, buyers, suppliers and employees. Make sure that it is good quality and well supported by its structure so that it does not fall over during a heavy breeze. Online stores that sell portable umbrellas for your corporate events and fundraisers, deliver your order right to your doorstep for a minimum shipping cost.

Customising your umbrella

It is very important to customise the portable shade umbrella with your company logo, slogan or picture. The matter should represent what your company stands for. Look for a colour that encases your company’s spirit. Not only should they be convenient to carry with you in your bag but also safe for the outdoor elements. You should be able to take it to baseball matches, football sessions or little league. If you have clients who travel, they will love the portable umbrella. It is also a reminder of your company wherever they go. This gives you more coverage and is a way to advertise your business.

JoeShade is the original portable shade umbrella provide UV protection at all your outdoor events. A promotional umbrella is the perfect gift for clients, buyers, suppliers and employees. Buy now Portable Shade Umbrella.


What You Need To mcm shop Know About Filters

You have bought the digital SLR you have been dreaming about. You’ve also spent money on a variety of lenses, extra memory cards, a camera bag and maybe a tripod. Perhaps some other accessories. Now you find out about filters. What do they do? Do you need them? And finally, can’t you get the same effects by using the mcm backpack small right software? Here, in brief, are the answers to these very legitimate questions.

Firstly, a digital camera filter is a translucent or transparent glass that fits on the front of a lens. Obviously, having and extra layer of glass will protect your lens from scratches and damage and replacing a filter is cheaper than replacing a lens. They also change the qualities of the light that enters the lens and can it to modify the look of the photo and the colors of an image.

As for needing them, you can take great photos without them, but they are useful when you need to control light effects either to improve the quality of the image or add special effects. There are literally hundreds of digital SLR filters available which can mcm backpack medium produce all kinds of effects like sun bursts, fog, kaleidoscope, soft focus and so on. Going into all the various types and the effects they create will require a fairly large book. Let’s just look at the four basic filter types. Once you understand these, you can decide if you need them and then go on to look at other filter options.

• Ultra Violet (UV) filters are basically meant to protect your lenses from getting scratched or cracked, getting dirty or smudged and for protecting them from dust and water entering. If they’re so good, why doesn’t everyone use them? The answer is that many professional photographers feel that adding an extra layer of glass, no matter how clear, will affect the quality of the photo. This makes sense, but mcm backpack mini so does protecting your valuable lenses. Look at it this way – if your photography is indoors, you don’t need a UV filter. But if you do a lot of outdoor work with the chance of lens damage, a UV filter is a good idea.
• Polarizing filters block out excess light reflected from shiny surfaces like car bodies or water that can cause patches of light in your photos.
• A warming filter reduces the amount of blue light that cause colors to look unnatural when shooting in snowy, overcast or shady conditions. When used in drab lighting conditions theses filters add warmth to colors like skin tones and give a more natural look.
• When shooting at slow shutter speeds to get a blurred effect in bright conditions, over exposure is a common problem. A neutral density filter will limit the amount of light entering the lens and prevent the photos from becoming too bright and losing contrast.

Finally, you can make a lot of changes and repairs to your photos with picture editing software and will be able to use it to get the same results that using various filter would have given you. But look at it this way, the better your original photo, the better results you can achieve with the software, when you do need to use it.

Do you need filters? Yes. Can you do without them? Again yes. Now you know the basics, you decide.


Repetitive Stress Injury – mcm travel bag How It Happens

Repetitive stress injury (RSI) is what is known as a cumulative trauma disorder resulting from repetitive tasks, such as clicking a mouse, or typing keys. It can damage hands, muscles, tendons, nerves and cause weakness, pain, numbness and loss of motor control. We identify many modern jobs as having repetitive stress injury, but truly any job (even professional pianists) has the potential to cause RSI to employees, depending on the nature of the work. Examples of repetitive stress injuries would be neck pain due to reading books while looking down, shoulder strain from carrying heavy laptops or bags, cradling a phone between neck and mcm crossbody bag shoulder resulting in pinched nerve and numbness, or pain in the wrists from typing on a keyboard.

People who experiences this sort of injury often complain of bursts of pain that get worse with activity, often resulting in weakness, lack of endurance and numbness, or muscle spasm. The most common areas to be affected are the eyes, the neck, the back and the wrists/hands.

In order to minimize the impact of the injury on employees, a program of ergonomics should be implemented. Employees should be encouraged to use proper posture, take frequent breaks mcm shoulder bag or even disengage from certain tasks for a period of time to avoid obtaining or exacerbating a repetitive stress injury. Often, people can be taught better techniques for data entry and computer use that limits their exposure to repetitive stress injuries.

RSIs often will resolve themselves with care and the use of proper posture, techniques and frequent breaks; however some RSIs may get worse and require surgical mcm purse intervention for relief.

Additionally, workers who exercise often minimize their exposure to repetitive stress injury, so exercise and frequent breaks where exercise is encouraged is often beneficial and wise. Having a healthy, active lifestyle that seeks to address stress and weight management is another approach that will minimize the effects of the said injury.

If you feel you have a stress injury, be sure to let your employer know about your problem and obtain a referral for medical care. Often, employers will permit you to purchase ergonomic keyboards and office furniture from office supply to keep incidences of this injury to a minimum.

To know more about Personal Injury law with a particular focus on Industrial Disease and general Personal Injury Claims such as Accidents at Work, Slip/Trips in the street and Road Traffic Accidents visit Mercury Legal


How to Spot a mcm clutch Fake Designer Handbag

Designer handbags are usually limited editions and seldom will you see a lot of them on display in ordinary shopping malls. There are a lot of imitation items but these are very much different from the original ones in terms of quality and material. The aesthetic appeal of these designer handbags may deceive an ordinary shopper but never an expert on designer items.

Imitations of designer accessories are obviously more widespread than the original ones. You can find a lot of them in shopping malls. Although people know very well that these designer items are only sold in designer stores and fashion boutiques, sales people mcm backpack outlet can still fool buyers to believe they are real especially if the shopper is a newbie in shopping for designer collection items.

But for those who are really into buying only the authentic designer handbags, the price distinguishes the quality of the product. When an item like a designer bag or accessory looks very similar to the original yet the cost is too good to be true, it may likely be one of those first class fakes. And fakes can never equate to the quality of their authentic counterparts.

To avoid spending your money on a fake item with the price of the original, visit the designer’s store or mcm wallets boutique. These designer stores certainly will not sell you fake designer accessories and handbags unless they want to put their credibility at risk. You can be sure you are getting authentic items that are worth the price.

Most designer authentic handbags and accessories are designed uniquely and with high quality materials. Check the material used and compare it with the material of other designer items from other stores. If you have doubts on the quality of the material, try to look for other options and other stores. The packaging should also be of high quality, with no signs of blemishes whatsoever.

Finally, research first on the proper logo of each designer collection you plan to shop for. The internet is a mcm accessories good source for this information. Designer authentic handbags and accessories contain equally authentic designer company logos which are not found in fake items.

Visit designer authentic handbags for more details


Dress To Impress – mcm bags outlet Vintage T-Shirts

The rock n roll era of the 70s is over; the pop glamour of the 80s is also over, but many of us are still thinking about those days when things were a little bit simpler and we didn’t had some many problems and issues to think about. What can we do to relive if only for a couple of minutes those moments? The moments when we were flat broke, but we were young and without any worries. For those of you that want to take a ride down to (“Electric Avenue”) memory lane and have a mcm handbags sale blast from the past as they say, get a vintage t-shirt.

Enjoyed seeing John Travolta in “Saturday Night Fever?” Why not get the T-shirts that he was wearing back then and have some fun. The 70s and the 80s were some of the best years for a person that is now in his mid 40s/50s which is why he should hold on to those memories and think about the journey he had when he was a youngster. The motifs of those decades are endless as many things happened during mcm bags those magical times.

In addition, the timeless fashion of vintage glam has a strong presence at stag nights, parties, wedding as well as various fashion shows. In other words, purchasing a vintage t-shirt is not only for remembering your best years, it is also an affordable way to dress cool. Speaking of fashion shows, if you watched one in the last 2-3 years, you definitely must have noticed that a lot of designers are bringing back the classic style of those times. Retro is now actual, not only in fashion, but also in music and other forms of entertainment.

The whole business of vintage clothing is booming as more and more people start collecting various items from mcm handbags the past like hats, shirts, bags, shoes and so on. There are a lot of people that are purchasing brand new shirts that have a vintage theme. For example, a vintage T-shirt with the “I Shot JR” message will remind us of the hit TV series “Dallas” which will definitely go down in history as one of the most popular TV shows in the world.

From the early 70s, who could forget about the first video game – “Pong”. A vintage-themed T-shirt showing the score 19 to 72 will remind those people old enough of the first year (1972) when Pong started the video game mania.

These are only a few examples of really interesting vintage-themed T-shirts. One the Internet there are literally hundreds of thousands of models to choose from. In addition, if you can’t find anyone that you like, most of the shops that sell such products can imprint the message / logo that you want.

The next time you buy clothing, do not update – “downdate”. Stand out from the crowd with a vintage-themed T-shirt that will show the world that you still treasure the most important moments of your life, the most valuable movies / music / personalities that had a positive effect on your life and allowed you to become the person that you are today.

Searching for funny T shirts? Look no further as  is your premier choice for Vintage T Shirts.


The Story of mcm iphone 7 case Roxy Shoes

Roxy shoes are the leading brand of shoes for active sports minded girls. In 1990 the Roxy brand was launched as the female side of Quiksilver – the leading surf brand which was founded in Australia two decades earlier and then developed in the USA in 1976 by Robert B McKnight and Jeffery Hakman as Quiksilver Inc..

In 1990 they made the brave move of developing a female range to be known as Roxy which was launched in 1991 with the introduction of swimwear. This range was so well received mcm iphone 6 case that the following year, 1992, they moved into sportswear by introducing junior denim and snow wear into the expanding Roxy range.

In 1993 the Roxy logo was born. The very recognizable Quiksilver logo of a cresting wave and snowcapped mountain was mirror reversed next to the original logo to form a heart shaped feminine crest.

The name Roxy was chosen as it had a modern punky sound like Roxy Music and The Roxy nightclub, but it was also the names of the daughters of both the founder Alan Greene and also CEO mcm replica Bob McKnight.

In 1999 the Roxy accessories division boomed. This was the year that they created a full range of footwear, along with jewellery, bags, backpacks and travel accessories.

Roxy has grown since its inception to be one of the largest action sport fashion apparel for young women in the world. As well as swimwear and snow wear it now produces accessories, home wares, snow and surf hard goods, wetsuits, books, perfumes and footwear.

Trendy, discerning, outdoor loving girls love Roxy shoes because they know they look good whilst appreciating cheap mcm backpack the comfort and style of Roxy shoes. The shoes can go from hanging out with friends at the beach to afternoon get-togethers to dining out, catching a movie or clubbing.

The many varied styles of Roxy shoes include sandals, flip flops, boots and shoes. Within each category there are a myriad of styles. For example there are boots with buckles, boots with straps, knitted boots, fur boots and fur lined boots.

Roxy Shoes are fashionable, fun and naturally daring. Roxy has taken love for sport, adventure and fashion shoes to a brand new level. Girls from all over the world find Roxy shoes give them confidence, comfort and great value for money. Whether it’s flip flops, sandals, sneakers or boots – Roxy shoes have their own unique vibe. Girls who want to stand out in the crowd can’t go past Roxy footwear.

By practicing its unique style of dressing active girls for all facets of life Roxy continues to grow and is proactive in sponsoring many surf contests and surf camps on the east and west coasts of the USA.

Stepping out in a pair of Roxy shoes gives a girl confidence and the feeling that she is part of the surf or snow sport culture whilst at the same time she knows she looks good enough to go anywhere. These shoes are a must for every young woman’s wardrobe and the hardest decision is which of the many styles to select.

Charlotte Wilson has been sharing her experiences with various fashion brands and retail stores such as online shoes retailer Sarenza UK, through article writing for over 10 years. To view a range of fashionable footwear including the latest Roxy Shoes collection, visit the Sarenza website.


Finding the Perfect mcm backpack small Eco-Friendly Wedding Gift

There are so many things that you can consider wedding-gift-worthy. Pieces of home décor and accessories, kitchen utensils and chinaware, and stuff that would help the couple build their first home usually come to mind. Sexy lingerie, bed sheets, wedding albums — there may be so many great ideas to choose from, but here’s something new: how about eco-friendly wedding gift ideas?

Eco-friendly products nowadays have become mainstream as more people are becoming concerned about taking care of the environment. Food corporations reduce the use of plastics in their food packaging. Grocery stores, supermarkets and department stores invest in reusable shopping bags instead of plastic or paper mcm backpack medium bags. Conscious efforts are continuously being made to help save the environment, and eco-friendly products are not anymore limited to the food industry, but also in cosmetics, fashion, and home interiors. Everybody is trying to save the earth in their own little way. And so can you. You can start helping the environment with your own wedding gifts!

Fair trade products are superb in quality while being eco-friendly at the same time. The fair trade industry uses organic products as raw materials for their crafts. Artisans of fair trade mcm backpack mini wedding gift ideas and other items handcraft each item with utmost care. Imagine an unknown artisan from some remote village across the seas, weaving together a unique and intricately designed pillow case that soon becomes part of a young couple’s life as they build their own home — isn’t that a truly heart-warming idea?

Fair trade wedding gift products include items that are perfect for every home: decorative pillows, bedding quilts, metal bowls, platters and table accessories such as napkins, place mats, wine mcm backpacks replica holders, bottle openers, knives and more. The items are all eco-friendly, made of 100% organic cotton, silk, organic dyes, and high quality metal.

If you want to give a special gift for a special couple on their wedding, eco-friendly fair trade items is an idea that’s totally out of the box. By giving them earth-friendly products to decorate their first house with, you are not only doing your share in saving the environment but you are also giving them something that is high-quality, beautiful and meaningful.

Weddings are special. They happen only once in a lifetime (or okay, maybe twice or thrice), so you have to choose only the best gift for the couple to remember this special day by.

Riz loves fair trade products because each item is intricately designed and made with love, the very thing that draws her to GIANNA Fair Trade. GIANNA believes that to truly change the world, we have to invest in the capacity and long-term earning potential of women. True enough, when you buy fair trade products from GIANNA, like unique wedding gift ideas or organic silk scarves, you don’t just acquire high quality, hand-made crafts, you also help underprivileged women from around the world build lives and reach their dreams.